Set in the late 1800’s, The Spirit of the North is the tale of a young couple’s life and survival in Canada’s Yukon Territory.
The Call of the Yukon tells two stories that depict the courage and bravery of early fur-trappers in Canada’s north, which will not to be easily forgotten by its readers.
Grey Wolf and Rose depicts a newlywed couple starting their life together in the Yukon Territory in the late 1800’s.
A Collection of Short Stories contains writings in four distinct categories of interest. An enjoyable read for people with a taste for something different.
The Call of the North features three wilderness stories about survival, adventure, and men’s struggle with nature in the unforgiving wilderness known as Canada’s north.
Both stories are fascinating tales, which truly capture the spirit of the Yukon. Readers are sure to enjoy these family adventures of life in a rugged land, filled with love and hope.